
About Us


Logis Wind

Logis Wind specializes in providing transport services, logistics solutions and crane services for renewable energy infrastructure and industrial sector. Additionally, we offer robust state-of-the-art service support for facilities and infrastructure associated with wind energy. Strong specialization and focus on comprehensive services for RES industry companies allow for practical adjustment of the offer to the needs of companies from this demanding sector.

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Logis Wind team

The company was founded by people with rich experience within the scope of offered services. The management consists of specialists in every offered field, including logistics, crane sector, transport, as well as maintenance services for with wind turbines.

The entire team is distinguished by exceptional engagement, effective communication and efficient cooperation within the group. This approach allows for the highest level of professionalism in customer service and executing orders of various difficulty levels.


Logis Wind assumptions

At Logis Wind we use various solutions adjusted to individual needs and expectations of the customer, which translates into successful completion of every project.

The tactical work organization, wide range of offered solutions and flexibility fully meet the expectations of even the most demanding customers. This is in accordance with both the increasing expectations on the wind energy market and the dependencies on complementary services associated with the RES industry.


What makes us stand out?

  • high quality of offered solutions
  • flexible and comprehensive services
  • quick and clear communication with the customer
  • qualified employees
  • employees holding documents required by corporate clients
  • comprehensive offer within the scope of our specializations
  • openness to any order – new tasks mean new solutions
  • we hold insurance policies within the scope of corporate solutions
  • information processing procedures supported by state-of-the-art security solutions and data loss protection technologies
  • 24/7 operational contact with the customer in case urgent intervention is required